What is Reiki and How Does it Work?

two hands linking fingers

Just for today…

I release anger. I release worry. I am grateful. I expand my consciousness. I am gentle with all beings.

Reiki is a complementary therapy technique centered on the Eastern concept of energy healing. In the 1920s, Mikao Usui developed the technique and named it after the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal, and “ki” meaning life force energy.

Reiki masters use their hands to guide energy through your body to promote balance, relaxation, and healing. Depending on your comfort level, your practitioner may gently touch you or rest their hands just above your body to transfer universal life force energy.

Benefits of Reiki

When your energy levels are low, you are more likely to feel sick or stressed. High energy levels promote both physical and emotional well-being. Reiki promotes energy healing and while it is not a substitute for modern medicine, it can successfully complement traditional treatments.

The use of alternative therapies in a way that is complementary to Western medicine is a growing trend in the medical community. A 2019 study reviewed Reiki’s positive effects on conditions like depression and anxiety and found that Reiki clients experienced an overall higher quality of life.

Reiki treatment is not specific to any one ailment, but may improve conditions like:

  • Cancer

  • Chronic pain

  • Digestive problems

  • Psychological distress

  • Stress-related illness

Following a session, Reiki patients typically report feelings of peace, security, relaxation, and overall wellness. Some have even experienced relief from symptoms related to serious conditions like MS or Parkinson’s. 

If you are undergoing medical treatment like chemotherapy, radiation, dialysis, or surgery, adding Reiki to your recovery plan can help foster bone and tissue healing, relieve pain and tension, and promote natural self-healing by stimulating your body’s immune system.

Reiki is not just for patients suffering from an ongoing illness. Even if you consider yourself to be in good physical condition, Reiki can serve as effective preventative medicine and increase your ability to handle stress.

Reiki Treatment Side Effects

The most common side-effect of Reiki treatment is a feeling of deep relaxation. However, Reiki can also illicit intense emotional or physical responses. 

As your energy vibration increases, you may experience a “healing crisis.” Toxins that have been stored in your body may be released and filtered out by your liver and kidneys. This is a positive, cleansing process, but may result in a headache or stomach ache. It is important to stay hydrated and get lots of rest following your session.

Emotional reactions are a natural part of energy healing as well. At Systems of Natural Healing, Rene’ creates a calm, comforting environment where you can feel safe engaging with any emotions that arise during your session.

What is Reiki Training?

Reiki techniques are taught through a process called “attunement,” during which a Reiki master passes on the ability to tap into an unlimited supply of life force energy. Anyone can learn to practice Reiki techniques regardless of age or background.

While Reiki is typically a spiritual practice, it is not connected to any one religion or creed. At Systems of Natural Healing, Rene’ calls on her background as a Christian to guide her practice, but the success of Reiki treatment is not dependent on any specific beliefs.

Local Reiki Practice

Located in Holland and Orchard Park, NY, Systems of Natural Healing is an inclusive Reiki practice dedicated to providing physical and emotional healing to our community. To learn more about our practice or to book a session, contact Rene’ Marburger at (716) 440-2816 or eraw13@gmail.com.


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